Monday, March 9, 2015

Topeka Symphony Orchestra 'Woos' WU Students

Shout out to Topeka Symphony Orchestra! They have an upcoming show Great Sounds that you definitely don't want to miss. It will feature Washburn's Anne Marie Snook, chair of the music department. Having been a music major, I'd be absolutely delighted to see her perform. Her credentials are impressive, and she's sure to bring delight and talent to this show. I would urge locals (regardless of age or musical taste) to attend the show and indulge yourself in some top notch musicianship.

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White Concert Hall

Isn't it gorgeous?  The design and acoustics make for stellar performances that you could never forget.

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Show Details

Saturday, March 14th
White Concert Hall
7:30 pm

For performance details and other information regarding the Topeka Symphony Orchestra, click here.


  1. This sounds like such an amazing experience! Unfortunately I'll already be back in Overland Park starting my spring break by that time. Hopefully I'll get to see her perform in the future.

  2. Also, not even ashamed that I just referred to an adult, married woman as bae...

  3. There is nothing like a good orchestra . Washburn does have excellent performances I need to go to more!

  4. Dr. Snook is one of the sweetest most caring professors ever! Though it's been awhile since my music major days, every time he sees me he initiates conversation and we have an awesome chat. Great dude.
