Friday, April 10, 2015

Soundtracks That Dig Deep

It's fun and healthy to completely shift gears sometimes! In the music world, I believe that keeps things fresh. We've covered band biographies, finding old iPhones, how to start a band, and a beginners guide to mixing a vocal track. Sometimes it's fun to just relax and share what music really warms your heart and makes you feel things outside the norm.

While 'soundtrack to my heart' may sound like a cheesy catch phrase or song title, there are several soundtracks that evoke incredible emotion for me:


If you're familiar with Xbox's successful first person shooter game series 'Halo', you probably remember how it was so big that it consumed every teenagers life throughout the early 2000's...yes, I was one of those teenagers. However, Halo has one of the most remarkable soundtracks I've ever heard. Charged with quickly releasing a soundtrack demo at a game convention, composer Martin O'Donnell was asked to produce something Ancient, Epic, and mysterious. Well, he did just that. The link below is a preview of the Halo soundtrack, and its truly magical.

So enough about video games. The movie industry invests a lot of time and money in good soundtracks, and Howard Shore's soundtrack for Lord of the Rings helps drive the three films with vigor, passion and emotion. I remember some of the songs nearly bringing me to tears they were so well done. The link below is a preview of the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. 


Imagine Halo or Lord of the Rings with no music at all? Imagine the impact on their audience if entirely different composers were used? The power of music can be profound, and It's certainly something we can all relate to.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I don't play video games and sadly I'm not a Lord of the Rings fan either but listening to both of these beautiful soundtracks gave me respect for both this game and movie series. Both soundtracks were very emotional, gorgeous, instrumental pieces. I liked what you said at the end of your post and no I couldn't imagine movies or video games without soundtracks like this. The power of music is simply astonishing.

  2. I've logged my share of hours on Halo too as a kid. It definitely was a difference maker for Bungie; Every time a new game was a released you knew they were gonna make a quality game with a great dramatic story line.

  3. I can always recognize Halo by the sound of the monks chanting on the main menu. Very memorable.

  4. I'm convinced that the Lord of the Rings soundtrack has to be the most bad ass soundtrack ever!

  5. LOTR has the best soundtrack. Ever.

  6. Marissa, every time I hear those monk chants I get goosebumps and it makes me want to play.

  7. The hobbit has another great soundtrack!
