Saturday, April 25, 2015

Whatever Gets You Pumped!

Hey all!

I'm so excited to be continuing on this blog. This is my first time blogging, I've learned so much and the feedback has been moving and heartfelt. Don't worry, I won't be going away anytime soon! I've got LOTS more ideas for music related posts. The post today has to do with working out. Yea I know, you're busy, there just isn't any time for working out. Well...the president does it! Even a brisk walk is something. If any effort is made I commend you for it! I hate running and I dread the thought of leaving my couch, but I feel so great after a workout. 

We can all agree that it's tough to get up and go outside or to the gym, so sometimes we employ a little help: MUSIC!

In the podcast at the bottom of this post, I discuss what tunes I crank through my ear buds at the gym. You might be surprised what I have to say! Do you have a playlist made for the gym, or do you just shuffle your tracks? Do you prefer a certain genre? In this podcast I give my two cents about what works best for me when struggling through a workout. I call the Topeka Southwest YMCA my workout home, I've been going there for years and it's run by a bunch of great folks. (See Google Maps picture below for YMCA directions). 

Stay tuned for more posts, and don't forget to check out my fun podcast below. 
