Thursday, February 26, 2015

Memory Lane

It's not every day you're going through your old suitcase and stumble across this: 

Yes that is an iPhone. More specifically, it's the iPhone I was using to communicate with the world from 2012 to early 2014. Needless to say, I was delighted at the find having thought I'd lost it. Can you guess what happened next? Exactly! I wanted to see what kind of music I was jamming to back in the day! I powered it up, put my music on shuffle, warmed up my car, and hit the local road for a trip down memory lane. 

This journey took me to all kinds of places, both in the actual world and in my head. Every song took me to a different place! Some of those places were very touching and brought a smile to my face, and some of those places were very dark and stained with a hint of sadness leaving me scratching my head asking 'what happened to the good old days'. Needless to say, words can't explain the power of music. 

Like a book, I think music is one of the most precious things. Whether it be a vinyl record, cds, or old lost mp3s on an old phone, the music you listen to at any point in time will hold a special place in your heart. I think that trip down memory lane reminded me what was, what is, and what can be. For me as a musician this was quite a rejuvenating, spiritual experience. I hope everyone (musician or non-musician) takes good care of their music because it's precious in so many ways!


  1. I absolutely agree 100% with everything you said in this post. Music is hands down one of the most powerful things in this world. The emotion and memory it evokes from people is astounding! I can definitely tell you that I am NOT listening to the same kinds of music now as I was when I was in the middle school. My musical tastes are constantly being expanded and molded into something new and I love that!

  2. I did that not too long ago with an MP3 player i had!! Throwbacks are the best!

  3. Music has remained the one constant in my life. Speaking of nostalgia, I actually found an old portable CD player I had when I was 10 in a box in the very back of my closet. I was instantly flooded with memories of listening to music while walking to school and playing in the backyard. It's so interesting how one item can hold so many great memories!

  4. Music is something that holds humanity together.

  5. Riley, such a deep comment. I agree.
